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Band playing music

It is obvious that all created things are connected one to another by a linkage complete and perfect…[1]

  • We enjoy music because when we listen to it, the sounds resonate with the other souls in the universe to whom we are connected.
  • Musical notes resonate with individual souls, and the timbre (character of the sound) of each note relates to the character of the individual or their action. Melodies are like stories of spiritual and material ascent and descent, timing and rhythm.
  • Harmony between notes relates to different people being in harmony with one another, for example by cooperating on various things.
  • Non-tonal sounds such as drums relate to people doing things which are less loving and more strong and firm.
  • The pitch or frequency of each note relates to the spectrum of spiritual qualities.
  • Rhythm relates to regular patterns in time, and repetition in music arises from repeated actions or events.
  • As Eastern religions have been studied more and more in the West, Western music has become increasingly loop-based. This is because Eastern religions involve ‘tuning in’ with cycles in the Universe and Eastern meditation involves repeated patterns such as mantras or focusing on one’s breathing.

Music Theory

Playing the piano

The simplest musical scale to understand is C major. It comprises the eight notes from the note on the left of the two black notes together, ascending to the same position higher up. Some scales include black notes but this one does not. The notes on the scale are shown by letters C to G and then A to C.

These notes correspond to the colours on the spiritual light spectrum I previously described, as follows:

C – Red, D – Orange, E – Orangish Yellow, F – Yellow, G – Green, A – Turquoiseish Blue, B – Violet

Chords (triads) are played with a ‘root’ note, two notes above that and another two notes above that. The chords with these notes as root notes also have these colours, with major chords being light versions of the colours and minor chords being dark versions.

In the scale of A minor, which is the minor scale without black notes, the notes and chords have the same colours as in C major. For other scales, the colours for C major or A minor can be transposed to the new scale, and then the colour of each note is two thirds the transposed colour and one third the original colour (from C major or A minor).

While some believe other ways of tuning instruments aside from the standard (‘A440’) way are better, the standard way of tuning is best because it matches up perfectly with the colours and resonates with the spirit. Other ways of tuning are designed to resonate more with other parts of the body.